10 Thoughts Keeping You From Success & How to Overcome Them

positive thoughts

Mind over Matter! A common phrase that speaks volumes. Now how do you do it? I know, some of you might be thinking, easier said than done.  Well you are right, but no one ever said change is easy we just promise that the change is worth it when it comes to good health and […]

How To Let Go Of A Grudge

individual therapy in lafayette, la

We all have genuine grievances such as infidelity, failed integrity, dishonesty, and judgment. Since it is so easy for us to acknowledge that our grievances are real and unacceptable, it becomes easy to get stuck in feeling justified in the anger.  I know of no one who is above this experience. You are not alone. […]

How to find the right Therapist for you.

therapist in lafayette, la

  Ok, you’ve committed to seeking help, but not sure where to start. When it comes to choosing therapy we often ask ourselves, which one is truly best for me? Is it Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure Response Prevention, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? There are so many types and modalities of […]